Adler Arova Spritzbeize Woodstain

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  • Ready to use
  • Suitable for interior furniture
  • No addition of solvents or heavy metals

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Manufacturer: Adler
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Adler Arova Spritzbeize Woodstain     
Adler Arova Spritzbeize is a ready to use, solvent based spraying Woodstain. It is formulated without any addition of solvents and heavy metals. Surfaces stained with Arova Spritzbeize can be overcoated with both solvent-based or water-based wood varnishes

Who is Adler Arova Spritzbeize Woodstain for?
Adler Arova Spritzbeize Woodstain is suitable for surfaces of furniture and interior finishing depending on the furniture varnish used. It can be used for staining coarsely porous hardwoods if a pore-accentuated staining pattern is to be achieved without dispersion and is to be applied in combination with a suitable topcoat system.

How to use Adler Arova Spritzbeize Woodstain
Adler Arova Spritzbeize Woodstain will need stirring well before use and the temperature of the stain, object and room should be at least 15°C. Less absorbent wood types require less application compared to more absorbent timber.
Arova Spritzbeize Woodstain can be applied using a spray gun, apply evenly and with moderate excess by spraying so that the surfaces appear slightly wet. Do not spread the stain.

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Recoatable (Solvent-Based Paints) After Approx. 15 mins
Recoatable (Water-Based Paints) After 1 Hour
