SKU: 9124-3 800

Jotun Aluminium HR

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  • On Component
  • Aluminium sheen
  • Heat resistant up to 250°C

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Manufacturer: Jotun
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Jotun Aluminium HR
Jotun Aluminium HR is a one component styrene modified oxidatively drying alkyd coating.

Who’s Jotun Aluminium HR for
Jotun Aluminium HR can be used as a primer, mid coat or finish coat in atmospheric environments and as an exterior aluminium finish usually within an alkyd system. It is typically used on exhaust pipes, process piping and engine parts.
Jotun Aluminium HR can be applied using air or airless spray, brush, or roller. A roller is recommended for use when doing small areas and a brush can also be used for this and for stripe painting, however when using these methods care must be taken to achieve the specified dry film thickness.

Additional information

Additional information

Dry Film Thickness 20-30 µm
Wet Film Thickness 45-65 µm
Theoretical Spreading Rate 22.5-15 M²/L
Surface (touch) Dry @ 23ºC 30 Minutes
Walk-On-Dry @ 23ºC 10 Hours
Dry to Over Coat @ 23 ºC Minimum 8 Hours

This information is given to the best of Jotun’s knowledge based on lab testing and experience

