SKU: 422-XXX

Wolfram Portable Frame Welding Screens

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  • Conforms to EN1598*:1998
  • Storage conditions -5ºC to +25ºC room temp
  • Easily cleaned by wiping with mild detergent

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Wolfram Portable Frame Welding Screens
Wolfram Portable Frame Welding Screens are 6′ x 6′ Portable frames fitted with various colours and opacity curtains. They are a practical, lightweight and easy-to-assemble portable frame system with a PVC welding screen, reinforced for extra strength and tear resistance. These screens are manufactured from galvanized steel with a specially formed 19mm box section to give extra strength. All frames can be extended by links.

Hi-Vis Amber:
– Made from traditional, translucent, flame-retardant, heavy-duty PVC
– Suitable for use where a good degree of visibility is required

Safearc Amber:
– A translucent, flame-retardant, PVC curtain
– Suitable for use in all welding applications where a degree of visibility is required

Weld Green:
– A polished, translucent flame retardant, PVC curtain
– Suitable where a low degree of visibility is desired or unnecessary for supervisory reasons.

Low-Vis Green:
– High performance in all welding applications
– Matt finish eliminates glare
– Recommended for applications where no visibility is required.

Additional information

Additional information

Hi-Vis Amber Safearc Amber Weld Green Lo-Vis Green
Flame Retardant BS5438, test 2A and 2B BS5438, test 2A and 2B BS1763, PART 1B BS5438, test 2A and 2B
Cold Crack -19ºC -6ºC -19ºC -6ºC
Burst Strength 825MIN


Breaking Load (L) 20N MIN 340 MIN 20N MM 340 MIN
Breaking Load (T) 18N MIN 220 MIN 16N MM 220 MIN
Tongue Tear (L) 75N MIN 130 MIN 70N MM 130 MIN
Tongue Tear (T) 100N MIN 220 MIN 98N MM 220 MIN
Resistance to flex cracking (Cycles) 250,000 MIN 250,000 MIN


Weight 485g/m² 340g/m² (±7.5%) 460 g/m² 340g/m² (±7.5%)
Thickness 500 micron nominal


450 micron nominal 500 micron nominal 450 micron nominal